Fay Martin Chandler arrived At Norfolk Virginia’s Sarah Lee Hospital on September 15th, 1922 weighing a healthy 9 pounds. She had a privileged upbringing attended to by nannies and spending summers on the North Carolina shores and the rest of the year in private schools. Her banker father instilled in Fay a strong work ethic and her mother helped give her a deep sense of social responsibility for those less fortunate. Fay lived these ethics through a lifetime of philanthropic work and gifts to more than 200 nonprofit agencies around the world. She had a life changing epiphany in her late thirties that led her to find purpose through expressing her feelings and prayers on canvas and in sculptures. She believed that “art could ignite hopes and save lives.” She painted, drew and sculpted nearly every day of her life and completed nearly 2,000 works of art. Fay received her MFA from the Maryland Institute of Art and an Honorary PhD from Montserrat College of Art. She was resting after painting on a late February evening in 2015 when she suffered a heart attack. Fay succumbed peacefully a few days later on March 3, 2015 in Boston, Mass.
This website will serve as both a resource of and a testimony to her life’s work.